
How many hours are there in a Level 1 Certified Course?

There are 35 hours in our Level 1 Certified Course, including the training hours and final exam hours.This does not include your practical hours and your studying hours for the assignments.

What are the assignments in the course?

After each day’s learning, a written/practical assignment will need to be completed before the next training day. Each assignment is designed to be brief and aims to take you less than an hour to complete. The main purposes of the assignments are to assist you consolidate the knowledge you learnt on that day and keep up with the training schedule.

How to complete the required practice hours?

Practice hours will be allocated to you during the course. As long as you attend each day’s training and follow the timetable designed for your best learning experience, you will be able to complete the required practice hours by the end of the course.

What is the timescale to expect to complete a Level 1 Certified Course?

The Level 1 Certified Course is designed to be a 5-10 days in person course with slight variations between different Legitimate Training Centers. Once you have chosen one of our Legitimate Training Centers (LTC) that you would like to complete the course with, you could gather more detailed information from the Center about the course timescale set-up.

What is an IISH LTC?

IISH Legitimate Training Centers (LTC) are the training centers that are qualified by IISH to provide our certified courses. Students who complete the courses and certification exams with our ITCs will be certified by IISH as a sound healer.
To find out more about our LTCs, please contact us.