

Our training is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding, knowledge, mindset and skills needed to become professional and certified sound healers.

In-Person Sound Healing Training Courses are available for beginners through to advanced practitioners and tutors.

Level 1 Certified Course
  • Learn the foundations of Sound Healing.
  • Get certified as a professional sound healer.
  • Perfect for self-care and to help your beloved.
Level 2 Certified Course
  • Dive deeper into the healing beauty and wisdom of sound.
  • Become an advanced sound healing practitioner.
  • Build a successful, rewarding and fulfilling life and career in the field of sound healing.
Level 3 Certified Course
  • Become a qualified Sound Healing Tutor.
  • Learn how to guide others in the journey of exploring and learning the power of sound healing.
  • Opportunities to join us as a valuable team member or business partner.